Klaus Beulker

Klaus Beulker

Lean Management = Learn Management

A 27 % reduction of the inventory level, doubled turns and improved on time delivery prove that Lean Management is able to provide outstanding results in less than 18 months. This is possible if an aligned team is learning what Lean is and how it has to be organized. Learning Lean ongoing and continuously is the key for sustainable results.
The presentation “Lean Management = Learn Management” shows how this is done at a German Crane Builder, who has implemented Lean management “wall to wall”, from Engineering and Sales to Procurement, Material Planning and Production.

L’atelier sera présenté en anglais mais les slides seront en français et un membre de l’Institut Lean France facilitera l’échange et la traduction de questions, le cas échéant.

Ingénieur de formation, Klaus Beulker a dirigé plusieurs entreprises industrielles outre-Rhin avant de prendre la direction de Terex Cranes Allemagne en juillet 2014. Présente dans 80 pays, Terex Corporation propose des solutions de levage et de manutention.